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Information About Us

Dr. Vasantrao G. Gurjar saw a state of backward caste in Maharashtra and their economic needs being neglected. He immediately decided to start a bank to address these needs of the backward caste to improve their social and economic conditions. In 1982, under the name of The Commercial Co-op Bank Ltd. Bank was started with the approval of Reserve Bank of India. The Commercial Co-op Bank Ltd. was then renamed to Janata Shakari Bank Ltd. Bank has identified economically weak and needy industrial / business community to provide them financial support making them self-reliant.
The firm belief of the customers and highly dedicated management staff has enabled the bank to achieve great success in the co-op banking sector.
In the year 2009, Bank celebrated its Silver jubilee with successful running of 25 glorious years in the service of its customers. During this time the bank introduced many new schemes like, Special fixed deposits
Women empowerment through employment and self-employment for professionals like doctors, engineers, etc.

About Amravati

Amravati also known as "Ambanagari" is a city in the state of Maharashtra, India. It is the 8th most populous metropolitan area in the state. It is the administrative headquarters of the Amravati district. It is also the headquarters of the "Amravati Division" which is one of the six divisions of the state. Among the historical landmarks in the city are the temples of Amba, Shri Krishna and Shri Venkateshwara. The city is famous for Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal,the place which is famous for its facility for different kinds of sports.
The ancient name of Amravati is "Audumbaravati", in prakrut, "Umbravati". The variant Amravati is the presently accepted name. It is said that Amravati is named for its ancient Ambadevi temple. A mention of Amravati can be found on a stone inscription on the base of the marble statue of God Adinath (Jain God) Rhishabhnath. The statues date back to the year 1097. Govind Maha Prabhu visited Amravati in the 13th century, when Wardha was under the rule of Deogiris Hindu King (Yadava dynasty). In the 14th century, there was drought and famine in Amravati.